Tuesday 24 November 2020



I had made these fries some time back and as I sat down to write this post yesterday, I kept searching for the recipe on my phone only to realise in some time that I hadn’t used a recipe from the internet. I hadn’t used any recipe at all.

I almost always have a pencil and a battered notepad with me. While some may mistake this for a sign of diligence and prolificity, the truth is that I need these to make notes lest I forget things I have discussed or brainwaves I have had. I do have a good memory but sometimes there just isn’t space for all the information I receive in a day.

I had made these fries for the first time and for some reason proceeded without referring to a recipe. I am  a stickler to following recipes and the rare occasion that I happen to make something without following one, I usually jot it down somewhere but I perhaps this time, I didn’t feel the need to do so for this basic dish.

I zoomed into my pictures trying to discern the ingredients used. There’s nothing really elaborate about these fries but the recipes I came across whilst looking for THE recipe had a list of ingredients I know I didn’t use. Most of them call for a light coating in flour and eggs, which I know I didn’t use as I typically don’t like using eggs for coating. I also didn’t use an egg substitute such as milk or yoghurt. Hmm, no wonder I struggled a bit trying to coat the fries with bread crumbs!

I also didn’t have garlic powder or cheese powder. I used freshly, crushed garlic and chopped the cheese cubes into tiny bits. I tossed the Zucchini in these and butter (or was it oil?). I, then, powdered the heel of a loaf of bread ( I did not toast these) in the grinder, rolled the greased Zucchini slices on the bread crumbs (the butter (or oil) helped them stick) and the fries that had chunks of cheese and garlic sticking on it, tasted the best!

No quantities mentioned, just eyeball it. Don’t add too  much salt if the oregano and cheese is salty. 1 tsp crushed garlic should do for 1 Zucchini.

I also have the recipes for Zucchini Boats,  Zucchini Fritters and Lemon Zucchini Loaf on my blog. 

If you like Zucchini too, please do follow me on Facebook and Instagram.



Zucchini (yellow squash) – 1


Crushed garlic 





Bread crumbs


1.     Slice the Zucchini into thin slices ( the thinner they are, the crispier they get but the more difficult to coat).

2.     Transfer the slices into a bowl. Drizzle enough butter/oil on them and give them a good toss until they are glossy. Add crushed garlic, oregano, salt, pepper and cheese and give it a good toss.

3.     Roll each slice on bread crumbs and placed it on a baking dish.

4.     Drizzle a little oil on the Zucchini slices.

5.     Bake at 180C for about 15 mins or until they look crunchy.

6.     Done.


Recipe Notes :

·       If you don’t have an oven, fry them on stove top, I bet they’ll be crispier, though you can’t claim to be snacking healthy!














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