Thursday 12 November 2020


29.10.2020: If you would recall from my last post on Pears (Pear Cobbler), I had some extra poached pears left over from the Cobbler. I refrigerated it overnight and used it the next day to make this Crisp.

I followed the quantities mentioned in the recipe and ended up with extra topping. Not wanting to again, store the toppings, I dumped it all on the poached pears. Also, the amount of peanut butter wasn’t clear in the recipe. It appeared as 1 cup which I thought was too much and noticed the same pointed out in the comment section. So I ended up putting too little of it. Halfway through baking, I pulled the dish out and added some more peanut butter and ended up making a bit of a mess which I have expertly covered with ice cream and a flower :D in the picture.

The quantities mentioned below are perfect for a 5-6 inch baking dish. You can easily adjust the quantities as per the size of your dish.

Skip said this was better than the Apple Crisp as the crust had a lovely peanut butter flavour. You can use any recipe for a Crisp and substitute plain butter with peanut butter. We had it warm with a scoop of mango ice cream (vanilla wasn’t available!!!)

Now that Skip and I spend a lot of time with each other, there are days when we get on each other’s nerves and end up quarrelling like siblings. I hadn’t realised that I ask Skip to not act stupid when he misbehaves. The other day when I said ‘stupid’ in anger, Skip looked hurt and said that he wasn’t one and that I shouldn’t keep calling him that. I felt rotten, I didn’t want my son growing up thinking he was stupid because his mother called him that thoughtlessly in a fit of anger. In the evening I called him aside and apologised and explained that I used the word ‘stupid’ merely to express my anger at him and that it was wrong to do so. We sat and pondered for a bit over what word I could use instead. We have decided on using the word ‘gemstone’ (there’s really no reason for having chosen that word). So now, when he doesn’t behave, I call out gemstone and he rolls his eyes, stops the mischief and pretends to sulk but I have noticed a little smile creep across his face.




Pears – 2

Ground cinnamon – ½ tsp

Sugar – 2 tbsp

Oats – ¼ cup

Whole wheat flour – 2 tbsp

Chunky sweetened peanut butter (cold) – 4-5 tbsp

Nuts/seeds – optional


1.     Toast the oats either on a pan or in the oven for 5-8 minutes until they turn golden brown.

2.     In a saucepan, add chopped pears, sugar and cinnamon and cook on medium heat until the sugar melts and the pears soften.

3.    In another bowl, combine the oats and wheat flour (and nuts/seeds). Add the peanut butter in batches and rub the mixture between your fingers until it resembles bread crumbs (chunky bread crumbs). If you feel the need to add more peanut butter, please do so. The mixture shouldn’t be dry.

4. Transfer the cooked pears into the baking dish ( I used a 6 inch dish). Evenly sprinkle the peanut butter mixture over it  and bake it at 180 C for about 20 minutes until the top layer has browned.

5.     Done.














  1. The pear crisp looks so tempting.
    Loved the gemstone!!!!!

  2. The poem ..recipe...'prologue' before the recipe .too interesting


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