The Story

Hello there!

Are you randomly surfing the net looking at reviews or have bookmarked a host of different blog sites for your different requirements? Wouldn't you rather prefer a comprehensive blog page? Think of it as a shopping mall of blogs, all content under one roof. Are you nodding your head in agreement as you read this? Then you've come to the right place (place,place, place ..... echo trailing off).

What started off as a review blog has evolved into an all-embracing ( well, almost 'all') blog.  You will find on this blog, a trail of recipes, reviews on beauty products, books, movies, technology, series, tips on parenting and DIY/hacks. (Pssst... I also have videos up on YouTube).

Do I consider myself an expert on most of these topics? NO.

What I can guarantee, however, is that you shall read honest reviews. A little drama, a whole lot of funny and at times a little endearing is what I'd like to describe these posts as.

My parents think this is the best blog ever (#justsaying) but you be the judge of that.

Also in the blog posts, you will find mention of Sky, my husband and Skip, my 8 year old son, a sprinkling of friends and a few others I come in contact with.

Hope you all identify with these posts and enjoy reading them!

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