Saturday 12 September 2020


 28.08.2020: Biryani is my nemesis!

Why is Biryani mentioned in a Brownie post, you may wonder?

I had promised D that I would cook egg biryani for him and though we have been making plans for some time now, the virus, a trip, a vegetarian phase, a sneeze have put this plan on hold.

D was to finally have the egg biryani on the 29th. I decided to bake a brownie for him the previous day.

The Oreo Fudgy Brownie was on my list. I had been saving a pack of Oreos for this. The recipe is from Baker by Nature. I have reduced the quantity of sugar by 100 gms and choco chips by a few grams in this recipe.  

As the brownie came out of the oven and I admiringly took it to my balcony to click pictures for the blog, Skip hovered around impatiently tapping his foot. I cut two tiny slices and said the remaining was for D. I sent D a picture of the brownie.

As luck would have it, the next day D couldn’t make it. When I told Skip this, a smile broke out on his face and he headed to the kitchen.

I love brownies and there are so many different recipes available. The kind I like best are the ones with crinkly crusts, chewy edges and fudgy centres, with bits of walnuts and choco chips and a sprinkling of sea salt.  

This brownie is all of that plus Oreos. Yumm, yumm! The taste of the Oreos does not overpower that of the chocolate but it does lend a lovely crunch to the brownie. This brownie tastes quite different from the Ooey Gooey Fudge Brownie. You could also try this without the Oreos and it would taste just as great. If you love brownies, you must bake this one and please do follow me on Facebook and Instagram @lucidlucent.

Unsalted butter – 170 gms (3/4th cup)
Sugar (granulated) – 200 gms (1 cup)
Oil – 35 gms (3 tbsps)
Vanilla extract – 2 tsps
Eggs – 2 large plus 1 egg yolk
All-purpose flour (maida) – 95 gms (3/4th cup)
Cocoa powder – 43 gms (1/2 cup)
Chocolate chips – 100 gms (1/2 cup)
Oreo cookies – 12
Salt – a pinch


1.     Preheat the oven to 175C and grease a baking dish.
2.    Combine butter and 100 gms sugar in a saucepan and cook until the butter melts completely. (I took it off the heat once the butter had melted, please note the sugar hadn’t melted)
3.    Remove from heat and while the mixture is still hot, stir in the oil and vanilla. Set aside.
4. In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, egg yolk and remaining sugar until well combined.
5. Slowly add the warm butter mixture into the egg mixture, very gradually, whisking it constantly until it is well combined.
6.   Add the flour, cocoa powder and salt to the above mixture and gently fold with a rubber spatula until it is just combined.
7.    Chop the oreos roughly and fold in half with the choco chips.
8.  Pour the batter into the baking dish and arrange the remaining oreo cookies on top.
9.     Bake for 27-30 minutes or until the top is shiny and slightly cracked.
10. Done.

Recipe Notes:
·       The original recipe calls for 300 gms sugar. I have reduced it to 200 and the brownie was sweet enough.
·       The original recipe calls for cooling the brownie for 2 hours before slicing it. Hmm… I waited for half an hour (and that itself felt like an eternity) and then sliced it.


  1. The cake looks delicious and the pic is tempting

  2. Yes Biryani is my nemisis and ya its just egg biryani! :D

    The Oreo Fudgy Brownie looks awesome!

  3. You waited for half hour, my home no one will wait for even 10 minutes ����


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