Thursday 5 April 2018


What kind of brownies do you like?

I like the dense, fudgy ones the best. The ones with crinkly tops, crumbly edges and gooey and chocolatey centers. I have been on a quest for that perfect fudgy brownie recipe since a long time and then Shugz shared this picture of the most delectable brownie ever. After zooming in and out of the picture a few times, I asked her for the recipe, which, as usual, she promptly shared. I have three other brownie recipes in my book, against which I put a tiny cross after I baked this one.

What I love best about these brownies is that they can be fudgy, chewy or cakey. When eaten on the same day, it’s fudgy. After a night in the refrigerator, they are chewy and if baked for slightly longer they are cakey.

These brownies are best when baked a day in advance and then stored in the fridge, so you can serve them either warmed in the microwave oven for 40 seconds and then topped with ice cream, caramel sauce and chopped nuts or just let it thaw and eat them plain.

A brownie isn’t a brownie without that crinkly crust. The first time I baked it, I used the beater to mix the ingredients and the crust came out looking smooth, though the insides were fudgy. I then learnt from Shugz that one shouldn’t ‘over-beat’ the brownie batter.

Hence, this time I used the beater only to mix the sugar and butter as Skip said it would be no fun baking a cake if we didn’t use the Jhurrrrrr. I then gently folded the remaining ingredients with the whisk that Hershey gifted after my ‘beating eggs in the food processor/mixie and cake falling flat’ episode.  *eye-roll*

This is a picture of the finished batter. It is supposed to be thick and gritty.

Unsalted Butter (melted and cooled)- ½ cup
Sugar – 1 ½ cups
Eggs- 2
Flour- ¾ cup
Unsweetened cocoa powder- ½ cup
Baking soda- ¼ tsp
Salt- ¼ tsp
Chocolate chips – 1cup
Vanilla essence – ½ tsp
Walnuts- ½ cup (optional)


1.      Pre-heat oven at 180C.
2.  In a bowl, combine sugar, melted butter and vanilla extract until smooth and fluffy.
3.      Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking soda.
4.      Beat the egg, one at a time into the sugar/butter mixture. Mix well.
5.      Add the dry flour mixture in 2-3 additions mixing slowly until combined.
6.      Toss choco chips and walnuts in about 1 tbsp of flour and fold into the batter.
7.    Pour into greased dish. Bake at 180C for 20-25 mins. DO NOT OVER-BAKE. The toothpick should not come out clean. There will be streaks of batter/melted chocolate on it.
8.      Done.

Recipe Notes:

·       I’ve sprinkled powdered sugar on the brownie.
·    Instead of chocolate chips, I’ve used chunks of cooking chocolate. It makes the brownie even more chocolatey. As these chunks are also sweet, I reduced the quantity of sugar to 1 ¼ cups.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying the recipes AND the pictures. The brownies look yummy!


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