Thursday 13 May 2021



Lockdown conversations: I find myself laughing at the silliest of jokes (which under normal circumstances would have merely provoked a snicker from me) and giggling even while having the most sedate of conversation. It must be my way of coping with the current situation.

The other day I was speaking to Honeylaze (yup, you read the name right, this is her gamer name) and typically our conversation revolves around books, food, parenting and work but here we were, discussing online games. Honeylaze told me she beat her children’s score at bowling and also sent me screenshots to prove her gaming prowess. Much against my better judgment, I downloaded the App and you will find me sneaking in a game between cooking and washing vessels.

I called my Uncle and our conversation went on for half an hour during which time he told me the recipe for homemade bird feed made with cat food!

Sky and I had a 10-minute discussion on which gravy would go best with egg fried rice.

I was checking with my lawyer friend if he knew of anyone who handled FRRO related matters and he responded saying he could take up Ferrero Rocher matters. *more laughter*

I pity my housemates who have to put up with my howls of laughter because all these conversations have ended with me laughing out aloud. It may not seem funny to you as you read this, but do feel free to give me a call and let us infect each other with laughter because laughter is the kind of contagion I could do with right now.

Stay home, stay safe and follow me on Facebook and Instagram (Lucidlucent).





Boneless Chicken – 100 gms


For the marinade

Ginger garlic paste – 1 tsp

Red chilli powder – ½ tsp

Curd – 1 ½ tbsp

Powdered pepper – ½ tsp

Corn flour – 2-3 tbsp

Turmeric – a pinch

Salt – to taste


Curry leaves – 1 sprig

Chopped garlic – 2 tbsp

Green chilly (sliced) – 1

Red chilli powder – ½ tsp

Sugar – ½ tsp

Salt – to taste

Vinegar – 1 tsp diluted in 3 tbsp water

Powdered pepper – ½ tsp



1.     In a bowl, add the marinade ingredients, mix it well. Add a few spoons of water if required.

2.     Add the cubes of chicken to the marinade, mix well and set aside for a few hours or overnight.

3.     Deep fry the marinated pieces of chicken and cook until they turn crisp and golden. Drain and set aside.

4.     Heat oil in a pan. Add chopped garlic, curry leaves and slit green chilly and fry until the leaves turn crisp. Add red chilli powder, salt and sugar. To this add the vinegar solution and stir it quick until the mixture thickens.

5.     Quickly add the fried chicken pieces to it and stir until the pieces are well coated and turn off the flame once done.

6.     Done.





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