Thursday 6 May 2021



Even before we had plans of getting a puppy, Skip would watch dog videos on YouTube and star-mark the ones which had recipes for homemade dog treats. 

Peanut butter, bananas, pumpkin seem to be the most popular choice of ingredients.

I had half a dozen, ripe bananas lying around and decided to make cookies for the Puppy. I did have unsweetened peanut butter but decided to keep the cookie simple and stick to two ingredients.

I have to be honest, the end product did not look appetising at all. It was dense and chewy (not the nice kind of chewy). Skip and I tasted it, while I immediately spat out my half, Skip continued chewing, gave an approving nod and asked if the cookie was meant only for the Puppy.

The Puppy has a few favourites, almost similar to Skip’s. He LOVES eggs, curd, fruits and fish. I know he loves these because he hops when he sees these items in my hand. He LOVES these cookies too.

He was being trained (which unfortunately had to be put on hold due to lockdown) and currently knows a few commands including going to his crate. I stand besides the crate with a treat in my hand and when I say the word ‘crate,’ the Puppy goes inside. Usually, I stand beside the crate when giving this command, but when I have this cookie in my hand, no matter how far I am from the crate and sometimes even without having to use the command, the Puppy rushes towards the crate. That's how much he loves them. 

BANANA OATMEAL COOKIES (makes around 35)


Ripe Bananas (medium size) – 6

Oats – 5 cups


  1.        Preheat oven at 180C.
  2.       Mash the bananas.
  3.       Coarsely grinds the oats.
  4.     Add the ground oats to the bananas. If the mixture is still wet, you may add a cup more. You can also leave it in the refrigerator for a while and it will harden up enough for you to be able to shape the cookies.
  5.    Bake cookies for about 15 minutes (the base of the cookies should have slightly browned)
  6.       Done.






  1. Danny must have loved it!!!

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