Monday 29 March 2021



Those easily offended by ‘bad’ words may kindly skip to the recipe.

The ‘F’ word is banned in our house.

We have a child, of an impressionable age at home. He’s 8 years old. I call him Skip in my posts. The other day (when I say the other day, I mean pre-covid days) when I was out, I heard a little boy, who I think was in Standard V, use the F word and my inner 1980s self, went “cheee bad word, I’ll tell your Mummy”. Of course, that’s not what happened, I just gave the child a stiff smile and moved on. This had me wondering if Skip used the word too.

He doesn’t. (Need to put this out soon else my parents who read all my posts will be calling me up even before they finish reading this).

I overheard this conversation between Skip and Sky.

Skip: I know many bad words.

Sky: Uh huhn *and gets back to work*

Skip: verry very bad words.

Sky: Which all?

Skip: *giggles*I don’t want to say.

Sky: You can tell me, I bet I know all those words.

Skip: I can’t.

Sky: Does it rhyme with duck?

Skip: *peals of laughter*

I don’t honestly understand the fascination with the word FUCK anymore. It’s so overused, it’s lost any “appeal” it had. It’s no longer the forbidden word. Apparently 6-year-olds are using it. We need to come up with a new word.

My choice of ‘bad’ words is bloody and shit and when I’m really angry, I use them together. I must confess, when I’m driving, I switch to Hindi.

I must clarify the F word banned in our house currently is FOOD.

That’s one of the few words, the Puppy recognises. Skip now uses our technique on the Puppy. He spells words he doesn’t want Puppy to understand. “Should I bring him his F-O-O-D?”

Summer is on us and it’s time to stock up on ice-cream unless you have a ‘tickle’ in your throat, then please do avoid refrigerated items. Now is not the time to tempt fate.

This recipe follows the same method as the mango ice-cream and Skip says it’s the best ice cream he’s ever eaten !!!



Oreo biscuits – 12 + 5

Heavy cream – 250 gm (1 cup)

Condensed milk -   200 gm (1/2 cup)




1.    Powder about 12 Oreos in the blender.

2.  Mix the powdered Oreos with the condensed milk. (It will solidify in some time, it’s fine)

3.    Whip the cream.

4.  Add the condensed milk-oreo mixture to the cream and mix until fully combined. (You may also coarsely chop some oreos and mix it in).

5.     Pour the mixture into the ice cream tin. Top it with chopped oreos (minus the cream filing).

6.    Freeze it overnight.

7.  Done. 


I do hope you try the ice-cream because it’s fucking good. *cheee, bad word, need to rinse mouth with ice cream*


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