Saturday 26 September 2020


 24.09.2020: The time was 8.30 pm. Post dinner, the three of us had retired into our respective nooks in the house. 

Was it time already for the next blog post? I jumped out of the rickety chair and announced loudly that I would be preparing an Oreo Tart. Skip left his candles and dashed to the kitchen as I started barking out instructions to keep butter out of the freezer, to get Oreos from my ‘hiding place’.

The Oreo Tart has been on my ‘list’ for the longest time. However, I always was short of one ingredient. That night I had all the ingredients. I held Skip by his hand and looked him in the eye and told him that we wouldn’t be eating the tart that night as I had to take pictures of it the next day. Skip asked me to finish the photography before he woke up so he could dig right in upon waking up.

That night, Skip and I lay awake till midnight, thinking about the tart in the fridge after having promised each other that we wouldn’t sneak a bite of it. 

Let’s first start with how simple this is. It requires ONLY 4 ingredients, a little bit of blending, heating and stirring and it’s done. Please use the best quality dark chocolate as its taste will stand out. The filling is silky, smooth, fudgy chocolate on a delightful base of crumbly oreos. I wouldn’t recommend adding any additional toppings (chopped oreos, chocolate shavings) as that may get too sweet.

Make this the previous night and it’s ready to be eaten the next day. Choose the dish according to the quantity, you don’t want to end up with thin slices of the tart.


Oreo biscuits – 24
Melted butter – 2 tbsp+ 3 tbsp
Cream – 100 gms
Dark chocolate – 100 gms
Roasted, chopped walnuts – ½ cup (optional)

1.     Crush the biscuits in a blender into a fine powder. Add 2 tbsp melted butter to it and give it a quick whizz.
2.     Grease a dish (I used a 7*5 inch dish) and smooth down the powdered Oreos into it to form the base of the tart. Refrigerate it for half an hour.
3.    In the meantime, prepare the chocolate ganache. Heat cream and 3 tbsp butter until a gentle boil appears. Remove from heat and add chopped chocolate to it. After a few minutes, stir the chocolate until it fully melts.
4.     Add the chopped and roasted walnuts into the ganache. Once the ganache cools, pour it onto the Oreo base.
5.     Refrigerate for a minimum of 5 hours or overnight.
6.     Done.

Recipe Notes:

  •       Heavy cream would be ideal. I have used the regular Amul cream and the tart tasted great.


  1. It was simply superb...fudgy,gooey and the taste lingers on

  2. love the poem too good as the oreo tart


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