Sunday 20 September 2020


 30.07.2020 : There are numerous biscuit pudding recipes on the internet and I bet they look a whole lot prettier but I can assure you this is the simplest of them all, requires the least number of ingredients and tastes heavenly.

This is another one of my mother’s quick-fix desserts.

You can easily vary the quantities of the ingredients to suit your taste. The three of us do not like our desserts to be too sweet and we enjoy the coffee flavour. The aim is to get the right consistency. Do not let the pudding get too soggy or dry. If you want a mosaic appearance when you slice your pudding, you may lightly crush the biscuits but we enjoy the texture of the fully crushed biscuit as it absorbs more of the liquid.

You may also use Marie biscuits instead of Parle G but I prefer the latter for this pudding. Skip seems to have inherited his love for Marie biscuits from my paternal grandmother.

I have used roasted, crushed peanuts, grated white chocolate and chocolate and caramel sauce as topping. To be honest, I only used these to make the picture appear prettier. I would recommend skipping the toppings. The pudding tastes great as it is. I have also tried experimenting by sandwiching a layer of chocolate ice cream between the layers of biscuit. That tasted good as well.

Skip and I often make this dessert at home. We prepare it in the afternoon and it’s ready to be eaten after our dinner. Do try it out and let me know if you liked it. If this is indeed the easiest biscuit pudding you’ve ever come across, please do follow me on Facebook and Instagram @lucidlucent. If you have an easier recipe, please do send me the recipe and I will try it out and put it up on the blog.


Glucose Biscuits - 36
Instant Coffee Powder – 2 tsps
Sugar- 4 tsps
Milk – 8 tbsps
Toppings (optional) – chocolate shavings, caramel/chocolate sauce, coarsely ground nuts.

1.     Add the coffee granules and sugar into the milk and stir until the sugar melts.
2.     Take a dish and line the base with one layer of biscuits. Pour a little of the coffee  until the biscuits are just soaked. Lightly crush the biscuits and top it with another layer of biscuits. Pour the liquid on it, crush, layer repeat until you run out of biscuits. Make sure that the biscuits are neither too soggy or dry. It should be ‘slushy’.
3.     Top it with toppings of your choice (optional).
4.     Refrigerate for atleast 4 -5 hours.
5.     Done.


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