Saturday 22 August 2020


09.08.2020: I am so excited just typing out this post. You can bake the most marvellous, delicious cookies with just THREE INGREDIENTS – condensed milk, butter and flour. No added sugar, leavening ingredients or egg. I stumbled upon Emma’s Goodies on YouTube and have been hooked on to her recipes. Her recipes are simple to make, use minimum ingredients and most importantly turn out the way they appear on the video!

Who doesn’t love sandwich cookies, filled with jam or Nutella or condensed milk!!!
Butter-flour crumbly mixture

Ready to go into the oven

Fresh out of the oven !

These cookies are simple and quick to make. They do not spread in the oven and retain their shape.  You may have them plain if you wish to but they are slightly bland. You could also make bigger sized cookies and have them slathered with any of the spreads.  

These cookies are so good! They are soft and crumbly. I tried them with jam and Nutella filling and we all felt it tasted best with jam. Please do let me know how they taste with condensed milk filling. I stored them in an airtight container in the fridge and they remained soft and ‘melt in the mouth’. These looked so pretty and tasted so good, we finished them the same day. The next day I baked them again and used them to decorate a birthday cake. I will share those pictures soon.

You MUST try these cookies.

For more such recipes, you may follow me on Facebook and Instagram @lucidlucent. Thank you.

CONDENSED MILK COOKIES (Makes 20 Jam/Nutella filled cookies)

All purpose flour (maida) – 150 gms
Cold butter – 110 gms
Condensed milk – 60 gms
For the filling – jam, Nutella or condensed milk


1.     Rub the flour with your fingers into the cold butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs. (The butter ought to be cold but not frozen).Do not overmix.
2.     Pour the condensed milk into the mixture. Combine it till it comes together to form a ball.
3.     To make the cookies: Divide and roll the dough into even sized balls. Press it flat (¼th inch thickness) with either your palms or with the base of a tumbler. I used a crystal beer mug with a pattern on the base.
4.     Use a tiny lid and cut out the centre of half the number of cookies. These will form the top of the sandwich cookie. Refer to pictures above.
5.     Place the cookies on a greased tray and bake in a pre-heated oven at 160C for 10 minutes. (Check the base of the cookie, if it has turned a light golden-brown, it is done). Do not over-bake. The cookies will harden on cooling.
6.     Once the cookies have fully cooled, add a tiny dollop of jam, Nutella or condensed milk on the base cookie. Place the cookie with the hole on top and  gently press it down.
7.     Done.

Recipe Notes:
·       The original recipe calls for rolling out the dough and then using a cookie cutter to cut out the cookies. You may refrigerate the dough before rolling it out. My kitchen was too warm for the dough and despite refrigeration, the dough kept sticking to the rolling pin when I was trying to roll it out.  
·       If you find the dough to be too sticky, add a teaspoon more of flour.


  1. The cookies are melting in my mouth ...just by reading the blog

    1. Haha, thanks ! You must bake them. They taste delicious.

  2. tastiest thing i have ever eaten!


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