Saturday 1 August 2020


03.07.2020: At around 11 in the morning, I received a message from my father-in-law’s phone saying “I’m hungry, bake a cake” followed by a gif of Jerry the mouse rubbing his tummy and pointing at his mouth.

Skip came running up the stairs asking me if I saw the message sent from thatha’s phone. “I sent it and not Thatha” said he. “It’s Thatha-Thai’s anniversary, you must bake a chocolate cake”.

Kaveri: “Why, chocolate?”
Skip: “I like chocolate”
Kaveri: “It’s their anniversary, how about …”
Skip: “I’ll be eating it too and I like chocolate”

I pulled out my heart shaped baking dish and decided to use the strawberry flavoured icing sugar. The idea was promptly shot down by Skip. As I sat wondering how to decorate the chocolate cake, Skip suggested we use mint leaves on top and that is when I remembered having seen a video of chocolate mint leaves. I had been meaning to make them since long.

The “nests” that you see on the cake are tiny chocolate bundt cakes rolled in white chocolate shavings. I used white chocolate instead of dark as I wanted a contrasting colour on the cake. I would however recommend using dark chocolate as it is easier to work with. White chocolate is buttery and soft and more delicate than dark chocolate.

I have used hibiscus leaves; mint leaves are great too as they have deep serrated margins. You may also use these as toppings for cupcakes. Do wash the leaves and dry them well before you use them.



Chocolate (white/milk/dark)
Leaves with serrated edges and margins
Spoon/paint brush


1.   Melt chocolate either in short bursts in the microwave or using the double boiler method.
2.    Let it cool for a few minutes.
3.    Coat the underside of the leaf with a layer of chocolate with a spoon or a paint brush.
4.Lay it on a plate/butter paper (chocolate side up) and leave it in the freezer for about 10 minutes until the chocolate hardens.
5. Remove from freezer and gently peel the leaf off.
6.     Done.


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