Tuesday 5 May 2020


We live on the top floor, with the terrace above us. It gets so hot in here, bananas ripen in no time. I had three overripe bananas in the fridge. The bananas were so ripe that I hadn't even peeled it halfway and they just slid off the peel and plonked into the mixing bowl. 

I used one banana to bake an eggless, whole wheat flour banana upside down "brownie". 

While Skip and Sky enjoyed what they called banana pudding, I was quite disappointed with the outcome as it didn't taste like a brownie. I baked this post dinner at 8 pm. In no mood to wash an extra plate, I placed a slice of the "brownie pudding" on an avocado and half-heartedly clicked a picture. The recipe won't be going up on the blog, but I didn't want this picture to be confined to the archives. One slice remained the next morning and I wanted to click a better picture in the sunlight. I placed the slice outside in our balcony, went in to get my phone, only to find this teensy crumb remaining.

I'm not sure if it was Skip or the suspicious looking pigeon that still seems to be lurking about our house. 

Disappointed with the last recipe instructions found online, I decided to make Baale Nuruk (banana fritters), a popular Kodava snack and messaged a trustworthy source for the recipe. My mother promptly sent me a recipe link she randomly found on the internet! 

While I have listed out the quantities of the ingredients used, please accordingly adjust the amount of the flour to get the right consistency for the batter. The batter ought to look like this, neither too thick nor runny. 

I love banana fritters, they are crispy on the outside and soft and sweet on the inside and so easy to make. Everyone at home loves it and it makes a great snack to accompany your evening coffee (or tea). If you are in the mood to try something savoury try our recipe for breadfruit fritters.


Ingredients : 

Bananas -2 (large, overripe ones)
Sesame seeds - 1 tsp (roasted)
Freshly grated coconut - ¼ cup 
Rice flour - 4 tbsp 
All-purpose flour (maida) - 2 tbsp 
Jaggery/sugar - 2 tsp(optional, taste the batter) 
Cardamom powder - ½ tsp
Pinch of salt 

Method : 

  1. Mash the bananas. 
  2. Add sesame seeds, coconut, cardamom powder and jaggery to it and mix well. 
  3. Add the flour one at a time gradually mixing it till you get the required consistency.
  4. Heat oil, once it's hot, drop spoonfuls of the batter into the oil and deep fry on low flame until they turn golden-brown. 
  5. Remove from heat and place it on kitchen paper rolls to absorb excess oil. 
  6. Done

Recipe Notes:
  1. You may use any variety of ripe bananas. 
  2. You may skip coconut and sesame seeds if you don't have them. I didn't have the seeds.
  3. A sweetener is optional. Overripe bananas are sweet by themselves; I added a spoonful of powdered jaggery. 
  4. I found it easier to drop bite sized portions of batter into the oil using my fingers. 

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