Wednesday 6 May 2020


Mandatory mango recipe post for this year!!! 

I soak mangoes in water for 24 hours and then keep them in the fridge. Apparently, this draws the heat out from the fruit. We eat the mango at night and follow it up with a glass of milk. Skip has milk with Milo and I have Golden Milk or as more commonly known, Spiced Latte ( Fine! It's Haldi wala Doodh).

I spend at least half an hour a day going through recipe videos. I love looking at good food and attempting to recreate it, such joy it brings into my life! (Almost as much as my other creation). 

I love Kulfi but I'm quite fussy about the way it should taste. It can't be too grainy or have ice crystals in it. It shouldn't be too sweet else I end up with a headache. So when I say this mango kulfi was DELICIOUS, you may just go ahead and make it.

Everyone at home loved it. I poured it into the kulfi/ice cream moulds and the excess liquid went into bowls. The mango kulfi is thick and creamy and oh soooo good and mangoeey.

MANGO KULFI (makes 9) 

Ingredients : 

Milk- 1 litre 
Sugar - 4-5 tbsp (I used 4)
Milk Powder - 2 tbsp (optional) 
Mango pulp - 2 cups 
Almond / pista slivers - for garnish 


  1. Add sugar to the milk, stir and then boil it in a heavy bottomed pan on medium heat. Reduce heat after the first boil and add the powdered milk (optional). 
  2. Cook the milk on medium heat , stirring at regular intervals until it reduces to half the original amount. 
  3. At this point, a thick layer of cream would have formed on the milk , the milk changes colour and thickens (do not remove the cream).
  4. Let the milk cool for a bit and then place it in the fridge for 20 mins. 
  5. In the mixie, grind the mango pulp, add the cool, thickened milk into it and give it a quick short whiz until well blended. 
  6. Pour into moulds and freeze for upto 6 hours or overnight. 
  7. Garnish it with chopped nuts. 
  8. Done. 

Recipe Notes : 
  • I have used milk with 3% fat (Nandini blue packet), milk with higher fat content would turn out creamier when cooked on heat. 
  • You can adjust the sweetness of the kulfi to suit your taste, but 4 spoons was ideal. Do keep in mind to adjust the sugar quantity depending on the sweetness of mangoes. 


  1. Golden milk, spiced latte:):)
    I can feel the taste of the kulfi as I am reading the 'sweet ' recipe

  2. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram, dm us a pic of the kulfi you make and we'll feature it in our stories.

  3. 👍 For more recipes , please follow our blog page and also our Facebook and Instagram pages (Bob and Lulu). Thank you.


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