Friday 27 March 2020


LOCKDOWN DAY 3:  I recorded my first video for our YouTube Channel on 24.03 and *clap clap clap* to all the YouTubers out there.  What an effort it took! Here's the link :

I don’t have the right equipment for recording videos, so I used a selfie stick propped into a vase and the vase was supported by a book (the vase kept swaying under the weight of the selfie stick). I struggled with lighting and the background. I applied fresh nail paint before recording the video, changed my shirt twice (the first one wasn’t fancy enough for social media and the second was crumpled) and finally ended up wearing a full sleeved woollen shirt  in this heat !!! Pheew! Skip and mamma gave some constructive criticism which I pretended to appreciate and Amroo and Teju have given some tips which I forgot to jot down.

Skip and I are being polynarritivus (reading multiple books at once). We were running out of bookmarks and I noticed Skip was using rolls of newspaper as bookmark. 24th was the date set to make a bookmark and I recalled a photograph that Teju had sent of a bookmark that Ro had made for his school exhibition (Ni and Ro are Teju’s children who besides being lovely kids are also very artistic). I looked it up on YouTube and the tutorial was so simple that Skip (who is 7 years old) made it all by himself.

We didn’t have craft or origami paper, so we used a regular sheet of paper. If you don’t have colourful paper, paint the craft work once it’s done especially if you plan on using water paints else it gets difficult to work with the paper.

I have used a 15*15 cms sized, square shaped paper. The size of the paper doesn’t matter BUT it does have to be square in shape.

Please refer to the YouTube video for instructions.  

Make the experience more fun by drawing on the bookmark or decorating it the way you like.

If you have any art and craft ideas to keep these little ones occupied, please do drop in a comment. Please do subscribe to our YouTube channel.


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