Tuesday 24 March 2020


Day 7 of self isolation : Time to revive the blog!!! As Skip practices batting, out in the balcony, I quickly slide behind my work desk, flex my fingers (I pause for a bit as I have forgotten the font we used for our blog), I step out and bark a few instructions at Skip (drink water, wash your hands, gargle), I come back in and ponder for a while.

Last night, I wondered out aloud if this was all a bad dream and asked Sky to pinch me. His face lit up at this wonderful opportunity being presented before him but as he stepped closer, he decided it would be for the best to remain a mute spectator to my soliloquy.  

It appears that life goes on as usual outside the confines of my house as I can hear vehicles whizzing past. I have half a mind of getting my dented plate and spoon out and shout out warning calls to these passers-by. I have to admit my panic has reduced from last week and now, I cannot bring myself to read articles or watch videos anymore on this topic. 

I really crave for a pizza (boring old Margherita will also do) and a nice long swim in a pool. I wake up daily and send out a little prayer to the universe, hoping that today’s the day when we see a miraculous drop in the spread of this virus.

Last Wednesday (18th March) on Bob’s insistence I brought Skip back home from my parents’ place and geared myself up for self isolation with an active 7 year old. I had a whole schedule planned for Day 1.

By mid-day, I erased the board realising that making a timetable would be futile and that it would be best to just go with the flow.

I made pancakes yesterday. I usually make whole wheat pancakes (without any leavening agents) for Skip as they are healthier but I think we all deserve a special treat once in a while.

The pancakes are light and airy and fluffy and feel like thin heavenly slices of cake. I wish I had drizzled the chocolate sauce aesthetically ( I used Hershey’s). Bob called them Spiderman’s pancakes!

All purpose flour (maida) – 1 ½ cups
Baking powder – 2 tsp
Baking soda – ½ tsp
Sugar – 2 tbsp
Salt – a pinch
Buttermilk – 1 ½ cups
Egg -1
Unsalted butter (melted) – 2 tbsp
Vanilla essence/ cinnamon powder  – ½ tsp
1.     Melt butter and set aside .
2.    In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, soda, sugar and salt)
3.    In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg, buttermilk, melted butter and vanilla essence.
4.    Add the dry ingredients to the wet and stir until just combined. ( Do not over mix).
5.     Heat a pan on medium heat, add a dollop of butter ( I used ghee (clarified butter). Pour a thick layer of the batter into the pan. Once bubbles begin to form, flip the pancake and cook for a minute.
6.     Serve with a syrup or topping of your choice.
7.     Done.
Recipe notes
·     To prepare buttermilk: Add 1 ½  tbsps of lemon juice or vinegar to the 1 ½ cups of milk, stir with spoon and set aside for 10 mins. The mixture will curdle, give it a quick whisk and your buttermilk is ready.
·  The prepared pancake batter will have lumps, do not over mix else the pancakes will end up dense.
·  You may top the pancake with honey or chocolate syrup or layer it with chopped fruits/peanut butter/jam. You may also increase the amount of sugar that goes into the batter and have it plain.  

Follow our blog as we come up with more ideas on how to spend time in self isolation and keeping those little ones occupied!

Stay home, stay safe !

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