Monday 16 July 2018


SP was my neighbour at Mysore and also my very good friend.  We’d plonk ourselves at each others’ house, talking for hours together. Food would be one of the prominent topics but never cooking. We entered the kitchen only in search of food back then. What a pity! Now that we are in two different cities, we send each other pictures and recipes of food we’ve cooked; admiring and drooling and whining at the same time. We are always hungry and the pictures are always sent when we are the hungriest!

SP had sent me the recipe for Pasta Cooked in Arrabiata Sauce last year and she claimed it was “super yummy”. I had saved the recipe in some random folder knowing I’d never cook this as none of us at home likes red sauce.

Skip loves Pasta so Mamma has given me two packets of uncooked Pasta with strict instructions to cook it for her “little Prince”. *eye-roll*

Last Friday, I got back home a bit early, in a mood to get a Chop Chop Chow dish ready. Skip was at home, so I decided to cook Pasta. I remembered SP’s recipe and for a change decided to make a red sauce. I went through the ingredients; the list looked so simple, I wondered if the sauce would end up tasting like tomato puree.

I’ve made minor changes to the original recipe and even after I was done, was sceptical of the dish. So I added grated cheese on it (one can’t go wrong with cheese) and we all sat to eat.

SP, you were right! The dish is “SUPER YUMMY”. And this is coming from people who dislike red sauce. The dish was light (unlike the one cooked in white sauce), the sauce tastes fresh and bursting with flavours of oregano, tangy and sweet tomatoes, cheese and garlic. The dish is healthier as compared to the white sauce that has generous portions of butter, flour, cream and cheese.

Sky insists that I henceforth cook pasta with red sauce. I have added red bell pepper and mushroom to the pasta. Feel free to add olives, baby corn, zucchini, broccoli or other crunchy vegetables to it.


Pasta – 200 gms (I used Rotini)
Water - 2 cups
Pinch of salt, dash of oil

For the Arrabiata Sauce:
Tomatoes (small-medium sized) – 6
Olive oil- 1 ½ tbsp
Chilli Flakes – 1 tbsp
Chopped garlic – 8-9 cloves
Mixed herbs (oregano) – 1 tsp
Basil Powder/ Fresh Basil – 1 tsp
Sugar – 2 tsps (or as per taste)
Salt – as per taste
Pepper – ¼ tsp
Cornflour – 1 tsp
Cream – 2 tsp (optional)

Other Ingredients
Olive oil- 2 tbsp
Chilli Flakes – 1/2 tbsp
Mixed herbs (oregano) – 1 tsp
Basil Powder/ Fresh Basil – 1 tsp
Mixed vegetables- 1 cup (I used mushrooms and red bell pepper)
Cheese (grated) – ½ cup
Salt – as per taste

1.      Heat 2 cups water and once it begins to boil, add the pasta to it along with a tsp of salt and few drops of oil. Once the pasta is cooked (under 10 minutes), drain the water and keep aside.
2.      For the Arrabiata sauce: Boil the tomatoes in water. When they are cooked, the skin begins to crack open.  Remove tomatoes off the heat. Cool them and peel. Put the tomatoes in the blender. Add 1 tsp each of salt and sugar and blend it.
3.      Heat olive oil in a pan. Add the herbs, basil, chilli flakes and pepper. Sauté for half a minute. Pour the tomato puree into the pan and cook for about 5 minutes.
4.      Dilute 1 tsp cornflour in 3 tbsp water and pour it to the above puree.
5.      Add the chopped garlic and cook for a few more minutes until the sauce thickens.
6.      Add the cream and swirl the sauce slightly. (Taste the sauce at this point and add more salt and sugar if required)
7.      Turn off flame and keep aside.
8.      In another pan, heat olive oil. Add the herbs, basil, chilli flakes and pepper. Sauté for half a minute.
9.      Add the mushrooms and cook on high flame until the water is evaporated.
10. Add the bell pepper and sauté for a minute or two.
11. Pour the red sauce to the above pan with veggies and give it a good mix.
12. Add the cooked pasta and give it a good mix.
13.  Remove from pan and pour the pasta into the serving dish.
14. Sprinkle the grated cheese on the pasta.
15. Done.

Recipe notes:

·        The quantity of sugar and salt would vary depending on taste of the tomato sauce. Sugar is added to balance the acidity of the tomatoes. Use red, ripe tomatoes and not greenish, sour ones.
·        Quantity of the olive oil may be further reduced.
·        Instead of dried chilli flakes, you may also whole red chillies. Boil it along with the tomatoes and grind in blender.
·        Quantity of spices can be altered as per taste.
·        I haven’t added onions to the sauce. Bob adds finely chopped onions to it.

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