Monday 25 June 2018


I love superhero movies and I have watched quite a few lately -new releases and the one’s I’ve been catching up on television. When PV announced last week that Incredibles 2 would release this week, I quickly saved it as a reminder on my phone. Skip and I LOVED Incredibles 1.

After gulping down a doughnut each, Skip and I ran towards the theatre and plonked down on the seats to watch this eagerly awaited film.

PLOT: The film begins with the Incredible family and Frozone trying to capture the Underminer. Underminer escapes and the Superheroes’ attempts at trying to save the City from the Underminer ends up in them wrecking the place. As a result of which they are arrested by the police and the Project for the Superheroes that was initiated in the first film is scrapped and Supers continue to be declared illegal.

The Incredibles get called by Winston Deavor who runs Devtech with his tech genius sister, Evelyn. They have come up with a plan to legalise the Supers and they recruit Mamma Incredible to help them bring their plan to fruition. (Much to Pappa Incredible’s annoyance).
The movie runs parallel, covering the lives of Mamma Incredible who is on a mission to portray to the world, the real and heroic efforts put in by Superheroes in saving the lives of people. She is constantly challenged by Screenslaver, a mysterious villain who controls the minds of people by hypnotising them. While Mamma is basking in the glory of her reclaimed fame, Pappa Incredible is going ballistic at home trying to control a moody teenager, a high-powered pre-teen and a cookie loving baby that is just discovering its superpowers.

Who is the mysterious Screenslaver? Will Mamma Incredible bring him to justice? Will the Supers be legalised?

Sequels very rarely match up to their predecessors and this one didn’t either, the reason being that the sequel loses out on the grounds of absence of novelty and  inadvertent comparison running through the minds of the viewers.  

I ought to make it clear that I did enjoy this movie and would definitely recommend watching it but please do not go with high expectations.

The first one was funnier and with more action and adventure. Baby Incredible did manage to evoke some laughter out of the audience and one was looking forward to seeing his super powers being used against the villains. I was disappointed that it was grossly under-used during the climax.

While Pappa is left to tend to the children, Mamma is out there “kicking ass”. She gets to wear the superhero costume, ride an electric bike, stop a speeding train and fight the super villain and party at night. While he’s at home trying to figure out complex math problems and get a baby to stay asleep. While this may make one remark that the “hero” of the film is clearly Mamma Incredible, I beg to differ. Pappa Incredible is also the hero in his own rights and you’d agree if you’ve been in his shoes!

This was the kind of movie where you step out of the theatre with nothing to discuss about. (No bricks or bouquets to toss).  

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