Monday 19 July 2021



Skip fractured his hand!

He races through the house all day long, chasing Puppy at neck breaking speed and has tripped and fallen many a time. That loud, sickening thud with which he would land would probably even make our furniture wince. Each time, he would pick himself up, dust himself off and get back to running. Multiple warnings were ignored.

Then, one day, he was sitting on a window ledge, quiet as a noodle and as he stood up, he lost his balance and landed on his hand. He bent his bone and fractured his wrist.

The ‘bone-doctor’ said it would be easier and quicker to fix the bent bone without anaesthesia and that it would take only 5 minutes. He said he would set the cast after that. I warned Skip that it would hurt a lot.

Skip had to go in alone. Covid -19 restrictions permitted only one person at a time with the doctor. As I waited outside with bated breath, I heard Skip squeak just once. After about 15 minutes, he walked out with the cast and a big grin on his face.

I asked him if he missed having me with him for support. He said he had no time to think of that as he had a lot of questions for the Doctor. Here’s what happened inside:

Doctor: I will have to bend your bone back into shape. Try not to move.

Skip: I have a few questions before that. Will it hurt?

Doctor: A little.

Skip: More than an injection?

Doctor: No.

Skip : I need you to tell me the truth.

Doctor: It will be done soon.

Skip *thinks to himself* Why do they always have to lie!


My poor little Skip, he didn’t want people at the reception hear him cry out in pain, so he just let out a muffled yelp. When the doctor was setting the cast, Skip said it looked like Dosa batter for which the Doctor burst out laughing.

All’s well that ends well, at least for Skip. He has us doing his HW and CW for him for the next two months whilst he lays sprawled across the sofa quoting me, back to me, while I struggle with his Kannada HW, “It’s always best to finish your work first and then have fun”.

Skip doesn’t like babycorn but he quite enjoyed eating this dish.

For more such recipes, follow me on Facebook and Instagram (Lucidlucent).




Babycorn – 200 gms

For the batter:

All-purpose flour (maida) – 3 heaped tbsps

Cornflour – 3 heaped tablespoons

Salt – ½ tsp

Pepper – ½ tsp

For the stir fry

Onion (medium sized) – 1

Capsicum – ½

Garlic cloves – 10

Soy Sauce – 3 tbsp

Tomato Ketchup – 4 tbsp

Salt – to taste

Chilli powder – to taste


1.     Mix the batter ingredients and add water to make a thick paste. Cut the babycorn into bite sixed pieces and add to the batter. Give it a good mix until the pieces are well coated with the batter.

2.     Fry the batter coated babycorn until its cooked. Drain and set aside.

3.     Add finely chopped onion to a pan. Fry until it browns. Add finely chopped garlic and capsicum, cook for a few minutes.

4.     To this add the soy sauce and tomato ketchup and mix well.

5.     Add the fried babycorn and mix until its well coated with the sauces.

6.     Add salt and red chilli powder and give it a good mix.

7. Done

Recipe notes:

·       You may also add green or red chilli sauce.

·       In step 4, along with the sauces, you may also add cornflour slurry if you like the Manchurian to be a gravy dish.

·       Feel free to add additional ingredients such a green chillies, spring onions etc.








1 comment:

  1. Oh feeling sad for skip.
    The dish indeed looks delicious


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