Monday 9 November 2020


R looked at the sweet potatoes and then back at me with raised eyebrows. I hadn’t ordered these in ages. I have a new recipe in mind I told her. I hadn’t.

The fancy recipes I came across on the internet had fat, succulent, orange sweet potatoes. What I had was scrawny, purple ones.

I came across a recipe for smashed baby potatoes and decided to make smashed Sweet Potatoes instead.

I haven’t mentioned the quantities. It’s all as per your taste preference.

I mentioned cheese only because I have added it to the batch of which I clicked pictures. I would recommend skipping cheese as I could hardly taste it or perhaps, I put too little of it. 

These are soooooooo good. The sweet potatoes are garlicky, sweet and spicy and crispy and baked! So much healthier than the packet of Lays Chips I’m eating as I type this post. You may add other herbs if you wish to but salt and red chilly powder go perfectly well with these sweet potatoes.

If you do not have an oven, fry them on a pan. You must try these, have I said it already? These are so good. So good.

You could use regular potatoes instead but I do insist that you try it with sweet potatoes too because they are so good ;P

For more such simple recipes, please do follow me on Facebook @Lucidlucent and Instagram @lucidlucent.



Sweet potatoes




Red chilli powder

Cheese (optional)


1.     Boil the sweet potatoes until cooked. (let it not be too soft, I pressure cook it along with our rice and it’s perfectly done). Leave the peel on.

2.     Preheat oven at 180C.

3.     Slice the sweet potatoes into ½ inch rounds.

4.     Add crushed garlic to butter and heat it until the butter melts.

5.   Transfer the chopped sweet potatoes into a mixing bowl. Drizzle the garlic butter on it. Sprinkle salt and chilli powder. Give it a good toss until the sweet potatoes are well coated.

6.     Place the sweet potatoes on a greased baking dish. Smash it slightly with a fork.

7.     Sprinkle cheese on it. (optional)

8.     Bake at 180C for about 15-20 mins until the edges have crisped and browned.

9.     Done.












  1. Sounds interesting and easy!

  2. Loved the poem as much as the recipe


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