Tuesday 3 November 2020



Or in concise words, the Chapathi Pizza 😊

I LOOOOOVE pizza and as long as the base is not rubbery or uncooked with the cheese sliding off it, I am not fussy. I will get back to the pizza in a bit.

Date: 02.11.2020, Time: 2130 hours

Operation Dragonfly 

(no creatures were hurt during this operation other than a tiny moth which died of 'natural' causes)

Sky was retiring to bed, Skip was watching the RCB vs DC match and I was typing out this post on pizza. My mouth felt dry and I got up to get a sip of water. I noticed the light in our Prayer room was still on. I walked towards the room, bowed my head and turned off the light when suddenly I heard a rapid fluttering of wings move in my direction. I let out a screech. (For those unaware, I have a severe phobia of flying creatures within the confines of four walls). Sky came running out, Skip jumped off the sofa.

It was a Dragonfly. Sky went back to the bedroom after asking us to shut the door. Skip, my little hero jumped to the rescue. While I stood frozen, he quickly turned on the lights in the dining hall where I stood. The Dragonfly flew towards this source of light, we ran to the adjoining drawing room. There was a sudden silence and as we stood wondering what to do next, we heard the fluttering near our feet. We ran to the bedroom and chalked out a plan.

We tried to turn on lights in succession and lead the Dragonfly out to the balcony but failed. It followed us to the corridor near our bedroom and lay there waiting  patiently. We kept staring at it and it looked like this stand-off was no closer to being resolved until one of us made the first move.

Another set of plans was made. Skip stealthily ran towards the balcony to retrieve his water gun while I kept an eye on the now, still dragonfly. On his way he turned off all the lights except the light on the corridor. With rapid hand movements, I communicated to Skip that I would turn on the lights in the drawing room and open the main door leading outside and turn on the light outside that door.

Mission accomplished, but the Dragonfly wasn’t budging. It was time to use the watergun. We took an oath not to hurt the Dragonfly. We shot out a spray of water 3.14 inches away from it. Easy as pie.

We stood with bated breath; fingers crossed. It began to fly again. It flew and hung from the drawing room light. It ate a tiny moth. We turned off the corridor light, I walked to the hall and instructed Skip to turn on the lights in the kitchen. The plan was to spray the water again and run towards the kitchen. We took turns and finally the Dragonfly was flying again. We ran to the kitchen and tried to follow its course of flight but lost sight of it.

Pin drop silence.

We waited for a bit and walked towards the hall and shut the main door. There was still no fluttering sound. I stood wondering what to do. Through the narrow slit of glass adjacent to the main door, we peeked out but couldn’t spot a living thing.

Skip asked me to move aside and cautiously opened the main door and peeked out. He stood still for 5 seconds, gently shut the door and flashed a thumbs up. The Dragonfly was out.

Skip and I are very excited. We hi-fied. 

He’s hoping a bee enters next. I had content for my blog.

Back to the pizza 😊

Yes, you do get a very mild taste of the chapathi but it is mostly camouflaged by the cheese and toppings. But hey, no maida, no yeast and no oven and so simple and quick to make.

Skip and I loved it. It’s a perfect last minute meal when you have chapathis and veggies but crave for something more exotic or a perfect way to use those leftover chapathis and stir fry. Top it with veggies or sandwich it and call it a Quesadilla instead.

For more such simple recipes, please do follow me on Facebook @Lucidlucent and Instagram @lucidlucent.



Uncooked Chapathis – 2

Cheese slice - 2-3

Mozarella Cheese – lots of it

Pizza sauce

Toppings of your choice


1.     Cook one chapathi on both sides. Spread pizza sauce on one side and set aside.

2.     Cook the other chapathi well on one side and partially on the other. Set aside.

3.     I used peas, paneer and mushrooms as topping, I sautéed these in a pan with salt and oregano.

4.      Place the partially cooked side down on a Tawa (flat frying pan). Places 2-3 cheese slices on it. Place the well cooked chapathi on it with the side slathered with pizza sauce facing the top.

5.     Add your toppings.

6.     Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top.

7.   Turn on the heat, cover the pizza with a lid and cook on low flame for about 10 minutes until the base has slightly browned. (it will appear like the bottom of a regular pizza base)

8.     Turn off the heat and leave the “pizza” covered on the pan for another 5 minutes until the cheese on top has fully melted,

9.     Sprinkle red chilli flakes and slice it.

10. Done


       Recipe Notes:

·       You can use any cheese of your choice. I used Cheese slices for the stuffing and mozzarella for the topping.












1 comment:

  1. Loved the dragonfly story as much as the easy pizza!!!


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