Wednesday 30 September 2020



 28.09.2020: I love, LOOOOOVE burgers. My favourite kind are the ones with moist, juicy patties topped with a sweet sauce or garlicky mayonnaise, caramelised onions, sauteed mushroom/crispy bacon and a side of fries or coleslaw. While I do have a few favourite burger joints in town and one at Mysore, not all of them serve burgers with my favourite accompaniments. This period of being cooped up at home has had me experiment with different burger toppings. I will probably write a separate post on Burger Topping ideas with ingredients easily available at home. 

For the health conscious, buns toasted in butter, two patties with a slice of cheese, bacon dripping in fat, onions fried in oil may not be the ideal meal. I thoroughly enjoyed my burger albeit halfway through I received a message from a client saying he wanted to discuss something urgent and my thoughts shifted from Bacon to Apartment Association Act and post meal, D dropped a bomb on limitation period for filing a complaint.

I think caramelised onions make all Burgers taste better. The other day I had teensy tea buns. I toasted them and stuffed them with salami and caramelised onions and they tasted heavenly. I also like buns with homemade butter and jam ( or as Hershey would call it, compote). Skip used to enjoy having them with honey after reading one of Enid Blyton’s books that had a bear eating buns and honey.

What toppings do you like on your Burgers? Do let me know.




For the Patty:

Chicken breast – 1

Medium sized potatoes – 2 (boiled)

Ginger – garlic paste – 1 tbsp

Red chilli powder – 1 tsp

Chat Masala – 1 tsp

Salt – to taste

Bread crumbs

Rice Flour mixed in water

For the burger:

Buns - 2

Garlic butter - 2 tbsps 

Cheese slice - 2

Bacon strips - 4

Onion (medium sized) – 1 + 1/4 tsp salt plus 1/4 tsp sugar



1.     Add the chicken breast and other spices into a blender and grind to a fine paste.

2.   Mash potatoes separately ,add the ground chicken to it and mix well with a fork. Shape these into patties. 

3. Mix a little rice flour in water to form a smooth paste. Dip the patties in this mixture, roll it in bread crumbs. 

4..     Deep fry the patties until cooked.

5.     Place a cheese slice on one patty while its still hot. Keep aside.

6.     Slice onions length wise and fry them with ¼ tsp salt and ¼ tsp sugar. Fry until they brown. Set aside.

7.     Fry bacon and set aside.

8.   Slice the bun, slather it with garlic butter. Toast it. Place the patty with the cheese slice on it and then place another patty on it.

8.     Top it with caramelised onions and bacon.

9.     Done.



Recipe Notes:

·       I made cutlets the next day with the leftover potato chicken dough.







  1. This is pleasure meets business dish....looks great. I love my toppings with sauce and mayonnaise




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