Tuesday 26 May 2020


I recall having mango milkshake in beer mugs as a child. Those were the tallest glasses we had at home, Mamma would fill the glasses till the brim and sprinkle a few chopped cashews on top. We'd all end up with a mango moustache. 

One can rarely go wrong with a dish that has mango in it (unless you're making some fancy shmancy 17-ingredient baked item). The taste of the mango is such that it overpowers all other ingredients. 
The milkshake I've made is with ice cream. You can adjust the quantities or limit the ingredients based on your taste preference or availability of ingredients. Ice-cream makes the milkshake thicker and adds an extra creaminess and sweetness to it. I've earlier made milkshake with just plain milk and it tastes almost as good as the one with ice-cream. If you find the milkshake too thick, you may dilute it with a little water or ice cubes. 

The nuts and dollop of icecream on top are optional but the milkshake tastes so much better with it and looks prettier too. 

Ideal for these hot and humid, summery evenings, this mango milkshake will cool you down and bring a smile on your face. If you have pineapples at home you may want to try some pinacolada.



Ripe mangoes - 4
Milk - ½ cup 
Vanilla Ice cream - 1 ½ cup
Cashews nuts - 4 tbsp (chopped and toasted) 


1. Scoop the mango flesh and blend it in the mixie. 
2. Add milk to the mango puree and blend well. (Add a little water if required). 
3. Add the ice cream and blend one final time. 
4. Pour into the serving glass, top it with a scoop of ice-cream and sprinkle the toasted nuts on top. 
5. Done. 

Recipe Notes : 

  • Use only sweet, ripe mangoes.
  • If you aren't using ice cream, increase the quantity of milk. 
  • You may use mango ice-cream too.

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