Thursday 21 February 2019


Every once in a while I google “healthier” cakes that substitute the refined flour, sugar and fat in the recipe with healthier substitutes. I’ve baked cakes with wheat flour earlier but have always found them to be slightly dense. Since I don’t bake that often, I stick to the usual ingredients. I like cakes light and spongy.  If you have any cake recipes that incorporate healthier recipes and turn out yummm, please do share the recipe with us. We’ll bake it and feature it on the blog!

Last week, when I was going through my recipe book, I came across the recipe for Oatmeal Cake that was given to us by V Aunty, mamma’s friend. She used to bake this gorgeous cake and you all know my love for cakes! I had to have the recipe.

While it does have refined flour, sugar and butter, the proportions are lesser than usual. The cake is slightly grainy, has a nutty flavour and is not too sweet. I don’t like my desserts too sweet so I love the cake the way it is. You could pair it with ice cream or cream if you wish to. I used the electric beater while baking this time.

The cake is so simple to make. You just need to add all the ingredients into the Mixer and blend! I would however recommend giving all ingredients a good mix with a spatula and then blend it as per the instructions below.


Flour- 1 ½ cups
Oats – 1 cup
Brown sugar – 1 cup
Sugar – ½ cup
Baking Soda – 1 ½ tsp
Cinnamon – 1 tsp
Salt – ½ tsp
Nutmeg – ½ tsp (optional)
Butter – ½ cup
Water – 1 cup
Eggs -2
Jaggery 2 tbsp


1.     Pre-heat oven to 180C.
2.    Grease and flour the baking dish.
3.  Measure all the ingredients and add to the Mixie. Blend half a minute on low speed and 3 minutes on high.
4.     Bake at 180C for 35-40 minutes or until done.
5.     Done.

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