Friday 29 June 2018


We all love eggs at home and I love experimenting with different ingredients while making an omelette or scrambled eggs.

This is a simple recipe for an omelette. Mushroom is a common ingredient added to eggs, but what makes this recipe different is the addition of garlic. I have never before added garlic to eggs. This omelette has a strong flavour of garlic. If you don’t enjoy that too much, you can reduce the quantity of  garlic but I would recommend not skipping this ingredient.

I am never able to flip 2 egged omelettes. So what I do is, I take a large plate and cover the pan with it once the egg is cooked at the bottom. I flip the pan onto the plate, so the uncooked side of the omelette falls on the plate. I then slowly slide the omelette onto the pan from the plate.   

Skip hates mushrooms. When he saw the omelette, he demanded to know the ingredients. I said it had cheese and other yummy stuff. He gobbled up his share and said he enjoyed it very much, though the next time I should simply just tell him about the mushrooms.

Something fishy? 



Eggs – 2
Mushrooms (chopped) – 200 gms
Garlic (coarsely crushed)- 8-9 cloves
Onion (finely chopped) – 1 (medium sized)
Oregano – 1 tsp
Salt, pepper – as per taste
Green chilly (finely chopped ) – 1 (optional)
Cheese (grated) – ¼  cup (optional)
Oil – as required


1.     Beat the eggs until frothy. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Keep aside.
2.  Heat a pan, add oil and then add onions. Sauté them until they turn pinkish brown.
3.  Add the chopped mushrooms and on high flame, sauté them until the moisture evaporates and the mushrooms are browned.
4.     Add the garlic, oregano, green chilly, salt and pepper and sauté for half a minute.
5.    Spread this mixture to form a circle and pour the beaten eggs into the pan onto the above mixture. Cook on both sides.
6.     Sprinkle grated cheese on the omelette.
7.     Done.

Recipe Notes

·        Do not fry the garlic for too long as it gets cooked along with the eggs as well.
·    Once the egg is cooked on one side, I drizzle a little oil on the sides of the egg, before flipping it.
·        You could substitute the oil with butter or ghee.


  1. Mushroom and garlic make a good and delectable combo.

  2. oh yes, they do! unlike chalk and cheese ;)


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