Monday 19 March 2018


With Kindle’s current model being the Ninth Generation, one may wonder why we are reviewing the Third Generation (Kindle Keyboard) model. Well, for starters, that’s the model that Bob and I have. We have the 6” diagonal paper electronic display in Graphite. Secondly, we got the Kindle for the sole purpose of reading e-books and don’t care much for features that the new models offer. Having said that, I’d urge all avid readers to immediately get yourselves a Kindle, your choice of model dependant on your budget and the features you would want in your Kindle.

For the uninformed, the Kindle is an e-book reader that allows you to store and read several e-books on this portable device. These e-books may be purchased online or can be transferred to you via email/external storage device by other e-book owners or via Whispernet.


1.    Built-in WiFi to buy books (The same model also comes with 3G but Bob and I have the one with WiFi).
2.     Text to Speech.
3.  Highlighted text and notes that can be shared on social network accounts and also stored on the device.
4.     Plays MP3, has a 3.5mm audio jack with rear mounted stereo speakers.
5.     Web browser.
6.     Parental Control.
7.     Voice Guide.
8.      Power adaptor with a USB 2.0 port for power charging.

When Bob had first told me (in 2011) that she would be gifting me a Kindle, I cringed. What good would be a gift if I never ever used it? I LOVE books, I love everything about books. In libraries, I open old, musty books and sniff them, I spend hours at bookstores, pushing that errant book back into its row. Each book that I own has a sentiment attached to it. Why then would I want a piece of unfeeling, cold technological device in my hand?

Here’s why (a few reasons may be specific to the Kindle Keyboard):

1.     The Kindle weighs 240 gms and is as thin and sleek as a magazine, weighs lesser that a typical paperback (probably lesser than the Animal Farm *wonders*). Hence, easy to carry around in your bag.

2.      How many books can one fit into their bag on a three day trip? With the kindle, I have 3,500 books fit into the side pocket of my bag. *wipes a tear off her face* Imagine that! You are no longer stuck with reading Crime and Punishment. You can always switch over to another book.

3.     Unlike the later generations that are touchscreen, the Kindle Keyboard is the last in its series that has a keyboard and uses buttons to navigate through the pages. The Kindle uses E Ink (type of electronic display of text that appears like printed ink) screens and looks like real paper. These E Ink screens, unlike LCD screens, have no glare as there’s no back-light and can be read in sunlight too.

4.  Ever tried multitasking while reading a book? Something as simple as eating a sandwich becomes a herculean task when you try to simultaneously keep the book open, pushing it down on its spine.

5.   The Kindle has an inbuilt dictionary. You need to click on the word and the meaning pops up. I love this feature. No need to set out on a hunt for that dictionary again.

6.  Forgotten to place the book mark at the last read page or had people dog-ear your books? The Kindle lets you bookmark the page with a simple click and even otherwise automatically opens to the page last read.

Bookmark to the top right

7.      You can mark your favourite passages or create notes.

8.     For those concerned about the absence of the backlight, you could always purchase a clip-on light or just use your regular wall light and protect your eyes.

9.   The battery does last for a month (provided you aren’t listening to music on the Kindle) and does so even after 7 years of continuous use!

10. I’ve lent books to never see them again or had them returned in a tattered condition. I doubt anybody is going to ask to borrow my kindle.

The latest models of the Kindle offer much more in terms of having a built-in light, higher resolution, lighter weight etc. But then, the Kindle app can be downloaded onto your computer, phone or tablet which would also have the features mentioned above. Why then buy a pricier Kindle to avail these features!

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