Saturday 17 February 2018

Boardwalk Empire

Image Courtesy - IMDb 

Bob is always updated on the latest releases and is currently watching ‘The Crown’ on the recommendation of her new found ‘bestie’. I, on the other hand, randomly scroll through TV listings and the minute I find a series being aired from season 1, I record it on Tata Sky. This is how I came across Boardwalk Empire. What first caught my attention was that the Pilot episode was directed by Martin Scorsese and the series is co-produced by Mark Wahlberg. (Please note that I am currently watching Season 2)

Gone are the days when we used to have TV series revolving around a protagonist with a heart as pure as gold and a face that can launch a thousand ships.

Boardwalk Empire is an American Drama series (2010-2014) based on the book Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City by Nelson Johnson that is in turn based on the real-life politician Enoch.L.Johnson. The book is currently on my Kindle and I shall post a review of the book once I’m done reading it.

The series is set in the 1920s-30s in Atlantic City when the Volstead Act (National Prohibition Act) came into play that led to the emergence of bootlegging and other related illegal activities. Enoch "Nucky" Thompson is the Treasurer of Atlantic City, a corrupt politician who is the kingpin of the bootlegging business. Nucky is highly connected, his connections range from the mob to the White House. While he leads a lavish lifestyle, dressed in tailored suits and driven around in a Rolls Royce, his pocket lined with bribes from the public employees, he is also generous with his money and helpful to the needy. When Nucky makes a promise, he keeps it and also ensures that the favour done is returned ten-fold. The Sheriff of Atlantic City, an equally corrupt man and who is co-incidentally Nucky’s brother is his “brother in arms”. Nucky is a father-figure to Jimmy Darmody who is called on to do his dirty work. He has also taken up a mistress, Mrs Margaret Shroeder, who after getting a taste of Nucky’s lifestyle reveals her true self, a far cry from her previous role as a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance League.

Nucky is as corrupt as they come but also much loved by the people of Atlantic City. In Season 1 he is described as a County Treasurer who lives like a Pharaoh. Mrs Shroeder calls him a “dapper villain in a Sunday serial”. Nucky justifies his actions with the quote “We all have to decide for ourselves how much sin we can live with”.

Season 1 sees Nucky being hounded by Nelson Van Alden, a fanatic Prohibition Agent who has taken it upon himself to expose Nucky and bring him down from his pedestal.

Season 2 sees Nucky being betrayed by his close associates and the Federal Government investigating into his illegal activities.

Steve Buscemi does a wonderful job of portraying his character as Nucky Thomspon as have the other actors in their respective roles. In real life, one wouldn’t give two-hoots to a politician such as Nucky, but Steve has you rooting for him each time he’s entangled in any problem. The makers of the series have brilliantly recreated the 1920s’ Atlantic City. The initial few episodes were not gripping enough to preserve my interest and I caught myself channel surfing half way through episodes but as the series progresses and as more insight is provided into each character, I find myself looking forward to watching it each night.

There is a sprinkling of interesting characters who may not be pivotal to the plot but definitely impart an interesting twist in the tale. There are references to legendary real-life people (Al Capone appears as a henchman to a Chicago mobster) that give the series an authentic feel. The soundtrack for the series is good.

Boardwalk Empire is currently being aired on Star World Premiere and they are currently airing Season 5.

I would give it an 8/10.

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