Sunday 2 June 2019


We had three weeks of court vacation.  On the last working day I had made big plans of cooking every alternate day and flooding the blog with recipes.

The only recipe I made during those three weeks was the mango ice cream and that was prepared on the last day of the holidays and the only thing that is flooded is the ‘saved videos’ column on my Facebook page. I am addicted to these recipe videos, they all look so simple that they promptly make it to my saved items.

Hershey has the habit of sharing delectable food pictures on WhatsApp post dinner time. She shared the picture of the mango ice cream she had made at home and I set out to buy mangoes the next day. The recipe is from the blog - Cucina Mia.  

I have a collection of homemade ice cream recipes that range from the basic to the complex. The basic being, the one ingredient recipe. Freeze bananas and then blend them in the mixie and voila you have banana ice cream ready. You can experiment with this recipe and add choco chips, caramel, peanut butter, chocolate etc. I had made the frozen banana ice cream and promptly struck it off my list. The ice cream is too banananana for my liking.

This recipe is a 3 ingredient recipe – fruit pulp, heavy cream and condensed milk

I did not find heavy cream in any of the stores near our place so I used Amul Fresh Cream. Yes!!! you can substitute heavy cream with fresh cream. I needed whipping cream for my father’s birthday cake and that is when I came across the method to substitute heavy cream for fresh cream.

Place the carton of fresh cream, an empty utensil and the beater blades in the freezer for half an hour. Empty the cream into the cold utensil and beat for 15 minutes and you’ll have whipped cream (with peaks).

Mango pulp – ½ cup
Heavy cream – 250 gm (1 cup)
Condensed milk -   200 gm (1/2 cup)
Chopped almonds – 2 tbsp (optional)
Chopped mango – 2 tbsp  (optional)
1.      Whip the cream and set aside.
2.      In a separate utensil, whip the mango pulp and condensed milk until mixed well. I did add a spoonful more of the condensed milk.
3.      Add the cream to the mango mixture and mix until fully combined.
4.      Pour half the mixture into the ice cream tin. Top it with chunks of mango. Empty the remaining mixture onto the mango chunks. Drizzle any leftover mango pulp and swirl it with a chopstick. Top it with almonds.
5.      Freeze it for 3 hours.
6.      Done.

School reopens tomorrow and Skip has been hooting since morning, in an  attempt to cheer himself and failing miserably knowing that his TV time and phone time shall be cut down drastically starting 7 pm tonight.

We took Skip out on his first trip abroad only to be told there that he loves going to Coorg more.

Krabi, Thailand 

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